Category: Story

  • The Story of Confucius’s Third Meeting with Laozi

    At fifty, Confucius knew the mandate of heaven. At this vital moment in his life, Confucius decided to visit Laozi (老子) for the third time, hoping to gain more insight from him. Even if their views on Ren (仁) and Yi (义) had diverged in their second meeting, Confucius still showed great respect for Laozi.…

  • The Story of Confucius’s Second Meeting with Laozi

    There are many fascinating stories in Confucius’s life, such as his learning to play the guqin (古琴, a seven-stringed plucked instrument in some ways similar to the zither), borrowing an umbrella, and “a lack of food supply.” One of the best-known is that Confucius visited Lao Zi three times. The first time Confucius met Laozi,…

  • The Story of Confucius’s First Meeting with Lao Zi

    In the long history of the Chinese civilization, Confucius and Lao Zi (老子, a philosopher in the Spring and Autumn Period and founder of Taoism) are undoubtedly two outstanding thinkers. They are the founders of Confucianism and Taoism, respectively, which profoundly influenced Chinese culture. According to historical records, these two sages had three meetings. After…