10 Confucius’s Quotes on Happiness

Everyone pursues happiness, but people’s understanding of happiness varies from ancient to modern times.

Confucius, a great thinker, had unique insights into happiness. His quotes show great wisdom for future generations to seek happiness.

Confucius’s View of Happiness

Firstly, Confucius believed that true happiness lies in inner joy: living a happy life and having no resentment in one’s heart. This inner peace and contentment is the foundation of happiness.

Secondly, he stressed that happiness originates from harmony among family members, friends, and others. Harmony in the family, especially the relationship between parents and children, was seen as a critical element of happiness.

Finally, as per Confucius, individuals should possess noble qualities and moral virtues to find true happiness.

He also advocated a frugal and simple life instead of luxurious material pleasures. He considered that as long as people remain open-minded and are not lured by external material temptations, they can lead a happy and blissful life even with simple material enjoyment.

In addition, Confucius advocated the overall happiness of society by improving individual morality and promoting harmonious interpersonal relationships.

10 Confucius Quotes on Happiness

Numerous scholars have elaborated on Confucius’s quotes of happiness.

Some of these sayings have survived to this day and have profoundly impacted people’s lives and values.

1. 哉,回也!一箪食,一瓢饮,在陋巷。人不堪其忧,回也不改其乐。贤哉,回也!(From The Analects of Confucius: Yongye)

Phonetic transcription (Pinyin): xián zāi, huí yě! yì dān shí, yì piáo yǐn, zài lòu xiànɡ. rén bù kān qí yōu, huí yě bù ɡǎi qí lè. xián zāi, huí yě!

Translation: How good Yan Hui was, said the Master, living in a humble lane with only a handful of rice to eat and a gourdful of water to drink! Others could not bear such a wretched life, but Yan Hui was as happy as ever. How good Yan Hui was!

Interpretations: Confucius emphasized that happiness does not originate exclusively from material things. Instead, it comes more from inner fulfillment and peace. We will be happy If we can maintain inner peace regardless of changes in the external environment like Yan Hui.

2. 饭疏食饮水,曲肱而枕之,乐亦在其中矣。不义而富且贵,于我如浮云。(From The Analects of Confucius: Shui Er)

Phonetic transcription: fàn shū shí yǐn shuǐ, qǔ ɡōnɡ ér zhěn zhī, lè yì zài qí zhōnɡ yǐ. bù yì ér fù qiě ɡuì, yú wǒ rú fú yún.

Translation: The Master said, “In the eating of coarse rice and the drinking of water, the using of one’s elbow for a pillow, joy is to be found. Wealth and the rank attained through immoral means have as much to do with me as passing clouds.”

Interpretations: This quote tells us that we should be happy with a simple life instead of being immersed in material pleasure. In modern society, people are often fascinated by money and neglect their actual inner needs. In this way, they lose their true happiness and even fall into endless anxiety and stress.

3. 其为人也,发愤忘食,乐以忘忧,不知老之将至云尔。(From The Analects of Confucius: Shui Er)

Phonetic transcription: qí wéi rén yě, fā fèn wànɡ shí, lè yǐ wànɡ yōu, bù zhī lǎo zhī jiānɡ zhì yún ěr.

Translation: The Master said, “Why did you not tell him that I am a man who forgets his hunger while thirsty for knowledge, and neglects his sorrow while drowned in delight so as not to perceive the coming of old age?”

Interpretations: When a person concentrates on something that he loves, he tends to forget the concerns and worries of life. The sheer joy of this total devotion is an expression of happiness.

4. 德不孤,必有邻。(From The Analects of Confucius: Liren)

Phonetic transcription: dé bù ɡū, bì yǒu lín.

Translation: Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it will have neighbors.

Interpretations: Ethical people build better and more harmonious relationships with others, so they have more friends and support, delivering them more happiness.

5. 学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?(From The Analects of Confucius: Xue Er)

Phonetic transcription: xué ér shí xí zhī, bù yì shuō hū? yǒu pénɡ zì yuǎn fānɡ lái, bù yì lè hū? rén bù zhī ér bù yùn, bù yì jūn zǐ hū?

Translation: Is it not a delight, said the Master, to acquire knowledge and put it into practice? Is it not a pleasure to meet friends coming from afar? Is he not a gentleman, who is careless alike of being known or unknown?

Interpretations: Confucius interpreted life’s three states of happiness in this quote.

Firstly, by acquiring new knowledge and skills through learning, we can access inner joy and fulfillment.

Secondly, friendship, as an integral part of human emotions, can enhance our social recognition and acceptance.

Finally, when we understand and accept ourselves, we can feel the charm of our personality and thus gain a sense of happiness.

6. 智者乐水,仁者乐山。 (From The Analects of Confucius: Yongye)

Phonetic transcription: rén zhě lè shān, zhì zhě lè shuǐ.

Translation: The virtuous love mountains and the wise love waters.

Interpretations: Confucius believed that happiness is multi-faceted and individualized. We can only achieve inner peace and well-being by finding a lifestyle and spiritual support that suits us.

7. 父子笃,兄弟睦,夫妇和,家之肥也。(From the Book of Rites: Li Yun)

Phonetic transcription: fù zǐ dǔ, xiōnɡ dì mù, fū fù hé, jiā zhī féi yě.

Translation: Fathers and sons living with sincere intentions, brothers living in harmony, and a husband and wife living in harmony and beauty are the key to a prosperous family.

Interpretations: According to Confucius, a family’s happiness comes from its members’ relationships. Only by building and maintaining good relationships within the family can the home become a heaven of happiness.

8. 知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。(From The Analects of Confucius: Yongye)

Phonetic transcription: zhī zhī zhě bù rú hào zhī zhě, hào zhī zhě bù rú lè zhī zhě.

Translation: To understand is good, to enjoy is better and to delight is best.

Interpretations: Confucius classified attitudes toward things into three levels: knowing, loving, and enjoying them. Knowing the essence and meaning of things is not enough in the pursuit of happiness. More importantly, we should love things we enjoy and gain infinite joy and satisfaction from them.

9. 子之燕居,申申如也,夭夭如也。(From The Analects of Confucius: Shui Er)

Phonetic transcription: zǐ zhī yàn jū, shēn shēn rú yě, yāo yāo rú yě.

Translation: Unoccupied, the Master took it easy and looked pleased.

Interpretations: This quote implies that maintaining inner peace and enjoying a relaxing and easy life is a kind of happiness. To achieve this state, we should endlessly seek ease and natural comfort in daily life.

10. 叶公问政。子曰: “近者说,远者来。” (From The Analects of Confucius: Zi Lu)

Phonetic transcription: yè ɡōnɡ wèn zhènɡ. zǐ yuē :”jìn zhě yuè, yuǎn zhě lái.”

Translation: The Duke of She asked about the art of ruling. The Master said, “Make the near happy to stay and the far-off happy to come.”

Interpretations: According to Confucius, making people feel happy is a specific expression of happiness. He also pointed out that if people nearby feel happy, people far away would naturally be attracted to the State because of the effective ruling method. Therefore, bringing happiness to people is a powerful strategy for rulers to govern the country.

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