When Did Confucianism Originte?


In my opinion, Confucianism is like a shining pearl that has contributed to the cultural development of East Asia for thousands of years. So, when exactly did this pearl begin to shine? In short, when did Confucianism begin?

—— Asked by Bernhard


Confucianism, as one of the doctrines of the Hundred Schools of Thought (诸子百家) of the pre-Qin Dynasty, can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

However, its origin can be specifically divided into three stages.

The first stage is the Xia (夏朝) and Shang (商朝) dynasties, which are Confucianism’s conception and foundation.

A culture of kinship, honor, and inferiority gradually developed. The profound cultural foundation laid a solid basis for the birth of Confucianism.

The second stage is the Zhou Dynasty, which witnessed the germination of Confucianism.

The Duke of Zhou (周公) created rituals and music to restore and stabilize the social order during the Zhou Dynasty, especially the Western Zhou Dynasty. He understood the essence of the old Yin (殷朝) and Shang system, drew on its wisdom, and made appropriate adjustments and improvements, thus promoting the birth of a complete system of rites and music.

This system not only provided clear standards for people’s behavior and conduct but also imperceptibly shaped society’s morality, which played an indispensable role in stabilizing the social order of the Western Zhou.

The third stage is the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period. This period marked the formal birth of Confucianism.

From the end of the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Chinese society underwent significant changes in its economic, political, and social structures. At the same time, there were frequent wars among the vassal states, so rituals and music collapsed.

Against this background, Confucius believed that restoring the order of The Rites of Zhou1 was necessary for social harmony and stability.

Therefore, he studied and inherited the ritual system of the Zhou dynasty, believing that rites were the cornerstone of maintaining social order. Based on this philosophy, Confucius founded the Confucian School in the state of Lu. He also organized the Six Classics through in-depth study and adopted them as an important tool for teaching and spreading Confucianism.

Therefore, Confucianism did not appear overnight. In fact, it experienced the cultural accumulation of the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties and emerged in the social changes of the Spring and Autumn Period.

  1. The Rites of Zhou: a set of concrete and operational ritual and music systems defined at the beginning of the Zhou dynasty, and then he introduced the concept of “rites”. ↩︎


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