Study Confucius’s Quotes to Understand His Mind

The wisdom of Confucius is reflected in many ancient masterpieces. Later generations have organized his words into quotations for study.

Confucius Said:

A benevolent man will control himself in conformity with the rules of propriety.

— From The Analects of Confucius: Yan Yuan

Confucius was a great thinker and educator whose wisdom and teachings were like a lofty mountain peak that still stood after thousands of years.

His quotes, concise and profound, reveal the essence of human nature and explore the laws of society. These quotations are not just words but the essence and soul of Confucius’s thought.

Overview of Confucius’s Quotations

As the founder of the Confucian school, Confucius enjoys supreme respect and a pivotal position in China.

His quotations, manifesting his wisdom, were widely recorded by his disciples and re-disciples in the book The Analects of Confucius.

These quotations exist in refined and concise language. They reveal Confucius’s profound insights into life, ethics, and politics and provide valuable wisdom and moral guidance for future generations.

Therefore, Confucius’s quotations have a universal value that transcends time and space and still play an important role in modern society. They have been widely inherited and promoted as an integral part of human civilization.

Classification of Confucius’s Quotations

Confucius’s quotes cover various aspects, including humor, life, love, work, happiness, success, learning, education, and wisdom.

By analyzing these quotations in depth, we can gain a deeper understanding of Confucius’s system of thought, enlightenment, and guidance in life.

Confucius’s Quotes on Life

Confucius’s understanding of life includes morality and ethics and the meaning and value of life.

He believed that life should not be about hedonism and the pursuit of material fulfillment but rather the pursuit of inner peace and true happiness.

Confucius’s Quotes on Learning

Confucius believed that learning is an ongoing process that requires the depth and breadth of knowledge, maintained interest in learning, and perseverance.

Through continuous learning, people can improve their moral character and capabilities and realize the unity of personal and social values.

Confucius’s Quotes on Love

Confucius’s descriptions of love cover all aspects of love, affection, and friendship and go deeper into the essence and practical meanings of love.

With a deeper understanding of Confucius’s concept of love, we can better understand human relationships and build more harmonious interpersonal relationships.

Confucius’s Sayings about Wisdom

The wisdom of Confucius provides us with important guidance and insights into dealing with various challenges of life.

Whether we are facing the ups and downs of life or dealing with the complexities of human relationships, Confucius’s teachings can help us consider these matters from different perspectives and respond to them with deeper wisdom.

Confucius’s Quotes on Education

Confucius believed that the original purpose of education was to cultivate virtue and Ren in students.

He advocated teaching without discrimination, teaching by ability, and heuristic teaching, valued teachers as role models, and emphasized lifelong learning and social responsibility.

He believed that education is the key to social progress.

Confucius’s Quotes on Work

Confucius deemed working as a meaningful, valuable, and effective activity that deserves people’s dedication.

He emphasized that work should focus on pragmatism and practical results to achieve common progress for both individuals and society.

Besides, he stressed the importance of honesty and morality in work, stating that only those who are honest and virtuous can win the trust and respect of others and perform better in work.

Confucius’s Funny Saying

In fact, Confucius is extremely wise and humorous. He believed that education through entertainment was effective.

Many of his quotes are funny, wise, and worth pondering, demonstrating the positive side of his character.

Confucius’s Quotes on Success

According to Confucius, genius is not born and one can only be rewarded by giving. Laziness and indolence are the biggest obstacles to success.

Hence, the only way to succeed is to work hard and be active to achieve one’s fulfillment.

Confucius’s Quotes on Happiness

Confucius believed that happiness can mostly be gained via inner fulfillment and peace.

True happiness can be attained through the enhancement of virtue, the establishment of a harmonious family, and the pursuit of The Doctrine of the Mean.

He valued inner cultivation and moral accomplishments, believing that true happiness could only be achieved by possessing noble moral qualities.

10 Classic Quotes of Confucius

Quote 1: A man without foresight will have immediate worries.

Quote 2: A gentleman is straightforward, while a villain is sorrowful.

Quote 3: Do not do unto others what you would not want done unto you.

Quote 4: Is it not a delight, said the Master, to acquire knowledge and put it into practice?

Quote 5: When three men walk together, said the Master, there must be one worthy to be my teacher. I will choose what is good in him to follow and avoid what is not good.

Quote 6: My skin and hair are given by my parents and cannot get any scratches. This is the beginning of filial conduct.

Quote 7: To understand is good, to enjoy is better and to delight is best.

Quote 8: Learning without thinking is labor lost, and thinking without learning is perilous.

Quote 9: A benevolent man will control himself in conformity with the rules of Li.

Quote 10: Parents only have their worries about their illnesses.

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